Summer in the City: The Senate Square and Other City Views.
We love Helsinki summers! In the summer it, and the surrounding islands, are gorgeous. Worth exploring.
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Left & above: Helsinki Cathedral (the Dome) & surrounding buildings at Helsinki's Senate Square, colored by the sunset. Right: The annual samba carnival gathering at Helsinki's Senate Square.
The Senate Square is also often a scene for concerts, demonstrations, gatherings, etc. Click on images for a larger view.

Senate Square, late evening in July. Left: the stairs to the Dome. Right: The Government Palace - Valtioneuvoston Linna. More
information about Helsinki Architecture.
Below: Helsinki University building, facing the Government Palace across the square. The shopping street, Aleksanterinkatu, is to the left, just outside the image. South Harbor Market is one block to the left.

Katajanokan Kasino & its garden.
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Midnight in June, a footbridge to historic Katajanokka neighborhood

Katajanokka, Uspenski Cathedral,
Midsummer night in Helsinki.
Night scene from Katajanokka in Helsinki:it looks almost like an old movie. Meeting in the Helsinki night, on Katajanokka. Partial view of Finland's Presidential Palace to
the far right.
Katajanokan Kasino Restaurant's garden patio by the water is a lovely spot for lunch or dinner, during a warm summer day. One of the nicest patios in Helsinki, in our view.
Late summer night view of Esplanade Park & bandstand / corner of Unioninkatu Street & North Esplanade - Tourist Info. Helsinki
View along the North Esplanade all the way to Mannerheimintie- street.

If you cross the street to your left, you will arrive at:
The entry to Esplanade Park, as seen from the Havis Amanda Fountain. On the left Kappeli cafe & restaurant and their
summertime outdoor seating. The Esplanade park is a popular place to stroll, or just sit and enjoy, or to grab a it bite during lunch hours.

Along Bulevardi, the Boulevard, going trough very nice neigborhoods in
the center of Helsinki.
The Dome & the Senate Sguare, as viewed from Sofia Street.
We are looking at two HELSINKI neighborhoods: Kaartinkaupunki on the left & Ullanlinna on the right.
Korkeavuorenkatu -street runs trough some really nice (posh) Helsinki Neighborhoods, all the way down
to Kaivopuisto and the lovely promenade by the sea & the small boat harbor.
Building on left: Helsinki Design Museum. Neighborhood: Kaartinkaupunki, Address: Korkeavuorenkatu
23, built in 1895. Architect: Gustaf Nyström. This block is called: "Pöllölä" ("Owlville" :-D).
Building on
right: "Ohrana" house, Neighborhood: Ullanlinna, Address: Punanotkonkatu 4 - Korkeavuorenkatu 21.
built in 1888. Architect: Axel Högberg. This block is called: "Kultakala" (Goldfish).
Thundercoulds over Helsinki skyline, as seen from Suomenlinna Fortress Island ferry dock. Click to enlarge. This boat trip is worth to take. Suomenlinna Fortress island is a wonderful picnic destination.
For more images and information about Suomenlinna Fortress Islands, see: MyBestHelsinki-Suomenlinna
Suomenlinna = Fortress of Finland.
Spennertin talo" (Spennert building) at the corner of Erottajankatu 1-3
Pieni Roobertinkatu 13. You can see a part of the "Diana Park" in the bgr.
Architect: August Nordberg. Built in 189. Block: Miekkakala (Swordfish)

A link to a terrific
HELSINKI MAP, so that you know where you are. Easy to use. Have fun.
Helsinki is a really wonderful summer city. The sun is out and everyone is happy. Right now winter is just a distant memory, tucked away. Click on photo.
Panoramic view from Kaivopuisto Park, looking south & toward the Suomenlinna islands: Särkkä in the center. Harakka island on right. Right: Pier for taxiboat to Särkkä.
From left: Helsinki's Old Market Hall, Market Square, small boats docked at South Harbor piers, blue City Hall,
right behind it, Helsinki Cathedral, to the right, Swedish Navy sail boats, visiting. Far right Uspenski Cathedral.